Tuesday 29 December 2009

Monday 28 December 2009


Wow. That is all I have to say. Well not really, I'm about to type exactly four hundred and fourteen more words.

Is it cruelty that would drive a man to create a world, a beautiful world, a perfect world; make you feel like you are a part of that world to the point that your sense of reality is thrown out the window and it would be futile for you to attempt to retrieve it; if you even cared. Then, for you to wake up and have to walk out of that cinema into the cold night mist, onto the vile planet Earth when your heart was left on Pandora. I say only the genius of one I call, starting from now, the CREATIVE MASTER, James Cameron, could perform such a feat.

Of course you all know I'm talking about Avatar right? I'm ashamed I should have to repeat it, seeing as the title of this review is that most sacred name. I will not spoil this movie, movie said I? This sorcery, this magically spun web of a narrative with an elaborate retelling of what happens. Anything I say would be inadequate. If that is what you are after you are wasting your time. Fool. Go onto the internet, book your ticket and see it for yourself!

I have never, in all the times I have gone to the cinema, a total of five times, have I ever seen an audience  so captivated, so entranced. I only witnessed this as I had to take my little cousin to go pee-pee, because otherwise I would not have even cared to look at whoever was unfortunate/fortunate enough to be sitting next to me. I have never in all my years, sixteen if you don't already know, been so drawn in to a story, I do not even believe this world is real anymore. I don't want to believe because if this is it, then the story of my world is a sad tale indeed. The real Tragedy, however is that such a world as I and the other hundred or so people in the audience were blessed to roam in, even for that brief time, is not real.

Pay no heed to any of the nonsensical dribbel I have fed you for the past sixty seconds, only if you are a fast reader like me, but pay heed to this. If you do not watch this movie (at your nearest IMAX theatre, in 3-D, this-is-compulsory-because-I-said-so) even if it is simply to tell your great grandchildren, "I was there," (as I most certainly will) you are skxawng n.

Thursday 29 October 2009

Do you know your enemy?

I do. Homework. Its not that I don't like doing school work at home, its just that I prefer to do it of my own accord rather than being forced to do so. However, we live in a world of systems and rules that have to be followed, so my homework I did. For once I quite liked it.

It all started last week when we had to email our photography teacher a gallery or an art exhibition we were interested in, and then go see it in our own time, in other words during the holiday also known as the time meant to be kept sacred for catching up on sleep! Anyway, so there I was browsing on www.spoonfed.co.uk, seriously considering starting a mutiny, when I saw this http://bit.ly/Skikm

And I felt like this.

The Green Day Art Project is a commision by Green Day to artists everywhere from Poland to Italy to Australia. Each artist received lyrics from Green Day's latest album and were to produce a piece of art inspired by these.

After walking up and down Whitechapel trying to find the Stolen Space Gallery, which I must say is extremely difficult to find, I finally got there.

And saw this.

And I felt like this.



P.S Here some more pics I took of the art work. How cool is that I could actually take pictures!

Wednesday 28 October 2009


Hello and welcome to my new blog where I will be posting all the things I get up to, all the places I go and all the wonderful and fantasque-tical people I meet. I hope you like it! :-D